In the case of East Timor to separate from Indonesia to happen should perisahan, the two brothers who love one another, are forced, under conditions and places to live, because a lot of interest do not understand, fun (10) should be only ... Tatiana's mother (29 years) in the refugee camp disebuah Kupang, NTT. While his brother Mauro (age 12) lives with his uncle in Timor-Leste ...!

Tatiana and her son ... Merry, lived in a refugee camp with hundreds of thousands of other refugees. Under Abubakar, an Arab origin are down, life and living in East Timor left

Tatiana teaching in school of emergency in the field. Merry Charles visited places with a guy who is very dangerous and scary as Merry, is due to have Carlo'd love of a sister and her family feel the love again

Pengugsian Life is very difficult in a field in the midst of uncertainty and not to the presence of his son, Tatiana was weak. Merry nostalgia from his sister and mother's deep sorrow ... tease, the daughter of a smart and bold.
One day an officer of the subjects were informed that Tatiana is a possibility that could meet with his son

Tatiana may meet his son? Can Merry come along with his brother, Mauro? Watch the movie! " Tanah Air BETA"

Movie Type: Drama
Producer: Ari Sihasale
Production: Alenia Pictures
LSF Rating: All ages (general)

Alexandra Gottardo
Dahlan Asrul
Patricia Griffit
Judea Rumbindi
Lukman Sardi
Ari Sihasale
Robby Tumewu
Thessa Kaunang

Ari Sihasale



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