Do not miss the sadness of leaving his wife Helena Titan often experience visions. Apparently this was not a hallucination, because the spirit of Helena is still roaming, and is revealed only at Titan husband. People think the Titans are left behind his wife's depression, the condition for the Titans, who will be promoted to vice president badly. He is regarded as unstable souls, who often communicate with the spirit of his dead wife. Titan was advised to see a psychiatrist to go to treatment by a psychiatrist titanium with sending a student of psychology, Olin (Joanna Alexandra) for observation. All activities of the Titan from morning to evening, followed by Olin
been made addition to the doctors, not medical efforts. Help them mystics, shamans, and intelligent people. Including Ki Jono Bolota (HY Bolota) have the opportunity to see the visible, but also have a deficit that less is heard. With Ki Bolota know Jono, then how Titan tricks so that the souls of Helena could 'go in peace. At that time the Titans meets Irene (Astri Nurdin), sanctioned their closer relationship than Helen, but another event occurred, recorded the weight on the conditions of Titan. Fortunately for the Titans is getting fun from a driver (Ngademin accompanied Faqih). Then the Titans travel to free souls from the mortal world of life after the death of Helena was a romantic journey, lively and fun to be a new experience in the Indonesian cinema
Movie Type : Drama
Producer : Passion Djoeir, Gita Jiwatram
Production : Millennium Films Visitama
LSF Rating : Teen (teenage)
Winky Wiryawan
Fanny Fabriana
Joanna Alexandra
Astri Nurdin
H. Bolot
Henki Soleman
Faqih Ngatemin
Iqbal Rais
Mutation Hilamn
Lanri Jaya