Telling a love story between canting and Raga, two very different style, background, and the world, but brought by a series of unique circumstances that make it both fall in love at the end

Widya canting friend held her wedding in Bali. But this show was so chaotic effect of the law that TomTom Raga, the best friend of the bridegroom at the same time not to participate in marriage. Canting was decided to combine love and TomTom Widya again. Were intended to dissolve the relationship, during and TomTom Widya

Sports canting feud and make both the silliness and stuck in various acts of sabotage, which only the first two were stranded in a strange and remote areas. When they were alone, that the seeds of love began to grow, especially when they spend the night to find a fishing boat on the beach, because I've never accommodation or transport, they could take home. Unfortunately, when the seeds of love began in the heart of Raga and canting, grow canting previously had an application of the Father, Prasetyo agreed to marry Ben, the son of a friend

But apparently not ready to give up Raga granted. Raga try, the opportunity to speak privately with his father to ask his blessing to allow canting, a companion for life cannot be. But apparently the plan was simply not performed Raga

Raga is a wasted effort?
Who will partner canting life! Sports or Ben?

Watch in cinemas from May 20, 2010

Film Type : Drama / romance
Producer : Dhamoo Punjabi Manoj Punjabi
Production : Md Pictures
LSF Rating : Adolescent
Length : 85
Tora Sudiro
Sari Devi Artika
Alex Abbad
Ririn Ekawati
Nungky Kusumastuti
Arif Rivan
Inez Tagor
Budi Ros
Banyu Putra Tanzil
Arie Dagink
Rako Prijanto
Raditya Mangunsong

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